US Atlantic Coastal Forecast

An AI-based nearshore wave forecast using recurrent neural network model (Wei, 2021).

Station 41013 - Frying Pan Shoals, NC

Owned and maintained by National Data Buoy Center
3-meter foam buoy
SCOOP payload
33.441 N 77.764 W (33°26'28" N 77°45'50" W)

Site elevation: sea level
Air temp height: 3.7m above site elevation
Anemometer height: 4.1m above site elevation
Barometer elevation: 2.7m above mean sea level
Sea temp depth: 1.5m below water line
Water depth: 33m
Watch circle radius: 78 yards

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41009 41008 41013 44013

Last prediction time: 04/23/2024 05:42 UTC             Next prediction time: 04/23/2024 11:42 UTC
